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moloco UG, short for ‘mobility, locality, community’
is a one woman / one man company based in Berlin, Germany.

Its main activities are strategic consultancy and journalism.

Roger Kesteloot

has had a career in both media and mobility. From 2010 until the end of 2020 he has been the CEO of Flemish public transport operator De Lijn (8.000 employees). His expertise includes sustainable mobility, corporate strategy, organizational change. He has been a member of both the Policy Board and the Sustainable Development Committee of the Union Internationale des Transports Publics, by which he has been nominated ‘Honorary Ambassador’.

Corry Hancké

is an experienced journalist, active in printed, audiovisual and online media. She has reported from several conflict areas such as Afghanistan and the Ukraine. After having been a newspaper correspondent in Moscow, she currently is the Berlin correspondent for the Belgian quality newspaper ‘de Standaard’.


In consultancy moloco aims - in close cooperation with its customers - at providing strategic advice on issues such as
  • Defining and implementing corporate strategy
  • Stakeholder management and communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • C-level approach to organizational change
  • Sustainable development

contact us

moloco UG
Am Friedrichshain 25
10407 Berlin